Sunday, April 13, 2008

Auctioning real estate in Israel

Auction houses around the world are usually associated with works of art and antiques. A system where the seller can get the best price in the market at that particular moment in time for his wares. With the advent of internet auctioning what one wants to sell through an auction arena, that is to the highest bidder, has widened considerably. The wares on sale now include every conceivable item, while the market place has become a global place. Credit cards facilitate payment and a global postal or courier system ensure that an Israeli buyer can acquire goods in a virtual auction arena such as in Hong Kong.

This trend has also started to capture the real estate market as more and more websites specialize in the sale of real estate. In recent times the system of auctioning real estate through the internet is gaining ground though slowly and with reason. Real estate sales conducted through an online auction is now also offered in Israel. David Levy a lawyer who specializes in real estate has launched a new website called, mizrachonline, in which homes are been auctioned to the highest bidder.

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